Revival Concrete Coatings: Streamlining Payment Processes with Builder Prime Powered by Payabli

case study overview

The Company

Revival Concrete Coatings is a trusted provider of quality concrete coating solutions, and with a strong focus on customer satisfaction, they pride themselves on transforming spaces and delivering high-quality work.

The Challenge

As Revival Concrete Coatings expanded its operations, it was still collecting payments manually which was time consuming and impacted their ability to focus on jobs that would bring in the money.

The How

Builder Prime Payments, powered by Payabli, automated their payment process and allowed them to give customers more payment options.

The Payoff

  • 63% increase in total sales
  •    81% increase in contract volume

The Company

Revival Concrete Coatings is a trusted provider of quality concrete coating solutions, and with a strong focus on customer satisfaction, they pride themselves on transforming spaces and delivering high-quality work. Great projects are only half the battle, and keeping operations flowing smoothly is just as important. For Revival Concrete Coatings, offering an easy, secure payment process was a key part of their success story. 

Did you know that for small businesses in industries like concrete coatings and contracting, slow payment processing is a leading cause of cash flow problems? Nearly 60% of companies in the home improvement sector report cash flow issues because of delayed payments. Revival Concrete Coatings wasn’t about to let that slow them down.

The Challenge

As Revival Concrete Coatings expanded its operations, it faced a growing challenge: the need to improve its payment collection process; they were still collecting payments the old school way, with customer service reps or the manager having to call customers to get payment details over the phone–a process that took anywhere from 5 to 7 days to complete. This manual payment process wasn’t just time-consuming, it was impacting cash flow and impacting Revival’s ability to focus on jobs that would bring in the money.

The problem didn’t stop there: Revival Concrete Coatings was also losing money to credit card processing fees, requiring customers to pay an upfront 50% deposit, and the remaining 50% upon project completion, eating into their profitability. On top of that, many of their older customers were hesitant to use online payment methods, preferring check or cash. Revival Concrete Coating needed a payment system that was fast, secure, and easy to use for all their customers, without any profits getting eaten away by fees.

The How

Revival Concrete Coatings found the solution to its payment challenges through Builder Prime Payments, powered by Payabli. This integration allowed them to streamline payments, making it easier for both their team and their customers. Builder Prime Payments enabled Revival Concrete Coatings to offer secure, flexible payment options like credit cards or ACH (Automated Clearing House), giving customers more choices and reducing the impact of credit card fees.

The Builder Prime integration with Payabli automated the payment process, which changed the game for Revival, taking away the need for tedious and time-consuming human entry. Now, when a customer signs an estimate, they receive an automated text message and email with a secure payment link, allowing the customer to quickly put down their deposit. The same happens at the end of the project for the final payment–what used to take up to 7 days, now gets done in 1 day and without needing to pick up the phone.

The integration also helped address the needs of customers who were initially hesitant about digital payments. For example, an older customer was wary of making payments online at first, however, after being assured of the security and simplicity of Builder Prime Payments, she was amazed at how easy and safe the whole process was. She became a repeat customer and praised the company for their convenient payment process. This positive outcome not only reinforced the brand’s reputation for excellent service but also demonstrated the power of seamless payment options in building customer loyalty.

The Payoff

The results of Builder Prime Payments, powered by Payabli, were immediate for Revival Concrete Coatings; the significant slash in how long it took to process a payment dramatically increased company cash flow, meaning they could pay their employees and vendors faster and invest in new projects with relative ease.

Revival Concrete Coatings saw a 63% increase in total sales, thanks to the faster, smoother payment process, as customers were inevitably more willing to commit and sign on the dotted line with a quick and painless payment process–a key part of closing sales. On top of that, the company’s contract volume jumped up by 81%, showing how the improved system helped them to close more deals and grow the business at a rapid pace.

By cutting down on manual work, Revival’s employees were freed up to focus on the important tasks, like providing better customer service and handling new leads. No more long hours spent chasing down payments, which not only boosted employee morale, but it also made it easier for the company to scale up and handle more business.

Another huge win was how the integration addressed customers’ concerns about digital payments, especially older clients who weren’t used to paying online. By offering a secure and simple process, Revival Concrete Coating built trust and converted hesitant clients into loyal repeat customers. By providing a straightforward and secure payment process, Revival Concrete Coatings was able to build trust and turn hesitant customers into loyal advocates.


For Revival Concrete Coatings, Builder Prime has been a game-changer; by simplifying the payment process, costs have been reduced and Revival has seen a significant uptick in sales. The company not only increased its sales but also strengthened its reputation for providing a seamless, customer-friendly experience. 

In industries like concrete coatings, where slow payments can choke cash flow and delay business growth, having a fast, secure, and easy-to-use payment system is crucial. Revival has shown that by reducing the headaches of credit card fees and manual processing, businesses can unlock new levels of success. As Revival Concrete Coatings continues to grow, the combination of Builder Prime and Payabli will remain an essential part of their strategy to provide exceptional service and operational excellence.