How Builder Prime Helped Johnny Gazoo Streamline Operations Across Three Companies

case study overview

The Company

Johnny Gazoo manages operations for three distinct companies: All American Fence in Pensacola, Florida, its sister company, What A Fence in Cape Coral, Florida, and Ironclad Roofing & Windows.

The Challenge

Juggling too many different tools to manage leads, estimates, customer data, and sales.

The How

Builder Prime's all-in-one business management platform streamlined operations for all three companies.

The Payoff

  •  68% increase in close rate
  • Doubled annual revenue

The Company

Johnny Gazoo, a self-proclaimed ‘fixer’ with a knack for turning chaos into order, manages operations for three distinct companies: All American Fence in Pensacola, Florida, its sister company, What A Fence in Cape Coral, Florida, and Ironclad Roofing & Windows. While each company works in its niche, from fencing to roofing and windows, they all had one big problem: messy, disorganized operations–but Johnny found a solution with Builder Prime, the all-in-one business management platform that took his companies from running on fumes to firing on all cylinders.

Fun fact: Did you know that over 50% of roofing and window companies don’t make it past their fifth year? The same goes for fencing companies. Without the right systems in place, it’s tough to scale, stay profitable, and keep customers happy–but Johnny wasn’t about to let that happen to his business.

The Challenge

Before Johnny brought in Builder Prime, each of his companies was stuck in what Johnny calls “organized chaos”; they were juggling too many different tools to manage leads, estimates, customer data, and sales. This patchwork of different tools and applications for managing leads, customer data, estimates, and sales made it hard to get a clear view of the customer journey or to spot opportunities to close out more deals.

Ironclad Roofing & Windows, didn’t have a dedicated CRM, instead, the team relied on different apps; Hover for roof measurements, CompanyCam for project photos, and other programs for sales and tech needs. This approach left them with a million tabs open on their desktops and a disjointed experience for both sales reps and the back-office crew. As Johnny put it, “When we looked at the data, we didn’t see the customer. That was a really big disconnect for the owners.”

Meanwhile, over at the fencing companies–All American Fence and What a Fence–they had another headache: lost leads. Leads would come in but not get dealt with properly, affecting the company’s ability to close deals efficiently and hurting profitability. 

The bottom line: Johnny needed a single, streamlined system that could pull together all their data, which in turn would tighten up their sales processes, and get their operations on track and in order.

The How

Builder Prime's all-in-one business management platform was exactly what Johnny needed to get his companies running like a well-oiled machine. The setup was a breeze, and Johnny raved about the Builder Prime support team: “The backend is filled with just the most incredible team. They were always quick to respond, provide personalized video tutorials, and even jump on calls to ensure that everything was running smoothly.”

For the fencing businesses, Builder Prime became the hub for everything, from managing leads to sending out estimates and collecting payments. Builder Prime integrates with Google Earth and Google Maps, making it possible for Johnny’s team to build and sell fences remotely. “We were able to sell fences, build fences, completely remote. Through the different things that Builder Prime allows us to use, we’re able to quickly and efficiently get these estimates out.” 

By using Builder Prime’s tools, they could churn out accurate estimates fast, even while working across different time zones. Over at Ironclad Roofing & Windows, Builder Prime pulled together all the scattered systems into one cohesive platform, so no more bouncing between apps; now, sales reps could access all the information they needed: roof measurements, photos, estimates, and contract details, directly from their iPads while in the field, allowing them to present estimates and close deals on the spot. As Johnny puts it, “You can say to a prospective customer, now these are the numbers, these are the gross profits, here are our margins. What’s stopping you from signing today?”

The Payoff

The transformation was dramatic: Builder Prime was the tool that took Johnny’s companies from disorganized chaos into a streamlined workflow that empowered their sales teams and significantly boosted their bottom line. 

For All American Fence and What A Fence, the impact was clear: a 68% increase in their close rate, allowing them to nearly double their annual revenue from $1.5 million to a projected $3.7 million, all thanks to Builder Prime’s all-in-one platform.

For Ironclad Roofing & Windows, the benefits were equally significant; Builder Prime eliminated the need to juggle multiple applications, reducing the time spent managing sales data and making life easier for the existing team. Johnny reported, “The overall happiness with the workflow has increased tremendously,” especially among the sales team, who could now confidently close sales in a customer’s driveway.

One of Builder Prime’s standout features is its ability to track marketing effectiveness; with the built-in reporting, Johnny’s companies could see exactly where their leads were coming from, which made it easy to double down on the strategies delivering results. They could pour “more fuel on the fire” for their most successful marketing efforts and pull back on what was failing to deliver results.

Whenever Johnny or his teams need to ask a question or receive support, Builder Prime’s super responsive team is right on hand: “The team is what makes this application incredible. I’ve never had an off day speaking to any member of the team.” The support team’s responsiveness and willingness to provide personalized guidance helped Johnny and his teams overcome any hurdles they faced during the implementation and optimization processes. This level of support was a stark contrast to what he had experienced with other CRMs and business management tools.


For Johnny Gazoo and his companies—All American Fence, What A Fence, and Ironclad Roofing & Windows—Builder Prime has been nothing short of transformational. It helped them to turn chaos into clarity, streamline operations, and grow their business to new heights, and with a 68% boost in close rates and almost double the revenue, Builder Prime has set them up for success, in a tough industry where so many companies struggle to survive, let alone thrive.

If you’re in the fencing, roofing, or window business, the stats simply don’t lie: over half of companies in these industries don’t make it, but with the right tools and support, you can be part of the other half–just like Johnny and his teams did with Builder Prime.