Builder Prime Shines For This Solar Contractor

case study overview

Builder Prime CRM Case Study:
Circuit Electric Solar

This New Solar Company Tested 15 CRM Solutions…
And Only Builder Prime Offered EVERYTHING They Needed.

Company: Circuit Electric Solar                

Contractor Industry: Solar        

Goal: Find a user-friendly CRM solution that handles jobs from start to finish  

Solar can be a fiercely competitive industry. The margin for error is next to nil. If your marketing, sales, and production aren’t firing on all cylinders 24/7/365? You’re not going to succeed. It’s just that simple.

This is why it’s mission-critical that new solar contractors start off their businesses RIGHT. One false step at the beginning can lead straight off a cliff… with almost ZERO chance of climbing back up.

The owners of Circuit Electric Solar understood this when they opened in 2020. They are a group of professionals who came together from different parts of the solar industry. They experienced the cutthroat nature of the solar industry firsthand, so they knew starting off their new solar company right was mandatory.

They also knew that starting things off right required a comprehensive CRM solution. Something that would be the backbone of their operations and had the ability to meet their needs as the company grew.

Deciding On The Best CRM For A Solar Company

Circuit Electric Solar’s owners all had their own experiences with different CRM solutions from past jobs. So when deciding on a CRM for their new solar company, they sat down and discussed these experiences. They assessed what they liked and didn’t like about CRMs they’ve used—and they determined what the company’s CRM solution had to have.

Here was the list of “non-negotiables” the owners came up with:

  • Start-To-Finish Capability: One of the biggest issues the owners had with past CRM solutions was that they felt incomplete. In their previous jobs, the owners had to use separate programs for leads, estimating, project management, and so on. They wanted a solution that could do it all in a single program—one that could take a project from start to finish (and beyond).
  • Comprehensive Lead/Customer Organization: One of the biggest issues the owners had with past CRM solutions was that they felt incomplete. In their previous jobs, the owners had to use separate programs for leads, estimating, project management, and so on. They wanted a solution that could do it all in a single program—one that could take a project from start to finish (and beyond).
  • User-Friendly: Both the sales/marketing and installation teams were going to use the software, so it had to be intuitive and easy to learn with minimal training.
  • Customizable: The CRM couldn’t be “what you see is what you get.” It had to offer extensive customization to align with Circuit Electric Solar’s specific workflows—and have the ability to be adjusted as the company improved those workflows.
  • Scalable: As the company would grow, Circuit Electric Solar needed a CRM solution capable of scaling with them.
  • Bang For The Buck: Naturally, the owners wanted a CRM solution that would provide them with excellent value for the money.

The many CRM programs the owners used at past jobs? None of them met all of these criteria. That meant whatever CRM solution they chose had to be something entirely new.

The Hunt For The Perfect CRM Solution Begins

Once the owners had a clear picture of their ideal CRM solution, their hunt began… and it was a LONG one.

Through exhaustive research, the company was able to narrow down a list of final contenders. There were 15 in total (including Builder Prime), and the owners sat through live demos for ALL of them. (Like we said—this is a company concerned with doing things RIGHT the first time!)

After participating in over 10 hours’ worth of live demonstrations, Circuit Electric Solar was able to whittle down that list of 15 to a top 3.

Builder Prime was one of their finalists.

And The Winning CRM Software Is…

Once they had their list of 3 finalists, Circuit Electric Solar went over the features and benefits of the remaining CRM programs again. The owners compared their “non-negotiables” list to what these CRM solutions offered. And there was only one clear choice: Builder Prime.

Builder Prime ticked all the boxes on their list:

  • Start-To-Finish Capability: One of the biggest issues the owners had with past CRM solutions was that they felt incomplete. In their previous jobs, the owners had to use separate programs for leads, estimating, project management, and so on. They wanted a solution that could do it all in a single program—one that could take a project from start to finish (and beyond)
  • Comprehensive Lead/Customer Organization: Builder Prime’s automated lead tracking and follow-up technology made it easy to keep leads and customers organized.
  • User-Friendly:  Builder Prime’s interface and setup just make sense. It’s built on cutting-edge technology that makes it easy to learn the ropes with limited training.
  • Customizable: Though it comes with  proven workflows right from the box, every element of Builder Prime’s workflow features can be fully customized.
  • Scalable: Builder Prime was developed to grow along with the company using it. No matter how big your business becomes, Builder Prime scales to fit your needs.
  • Bang For The Buck: The clincher for Circuit Electric Solar was the price tag. The Growth Plan provided unrivaled value for the money. There simply wasn’t another CRM solution that offered as much for the same cost.


Bonus Benefit: One-On-One Collaboration  

One Builder Prime feature that wasn’t on Circuit Electric Solar’s list came as a pleasant surprise: Our level of client collaboration.

We treat our clients as business partners. It’s why we offer a level of support and collaboration that’s not often found in the CRM industry.

Every few weeks, we have strategy calls with one of the owners of Circuit Electric Solar. We discuss ideas, best practices, and methods for utilizing Builder Prime software to its maximum potential within the client’s operations. It’s a truly collaborative relationship—one that we extend to ALL Builder Prime users.