Email Templates For An Easy, Effective Drip Campaign

February 17, 2023


Email Templates For An Easy, Effective Drip Campaign

Emails That Get Contractors More Sales UsingThe Automation Tools In CRM Software

Templates That Make Setting Up A Drip Campaign Incredibly Easy

Most home improvement contractors know that sending automated follow-ups will help them capture sales that would otherwise slip through their net. But understanding the value of something is not the same as actually getting it done.

And getting it done is the part where many contractors struggle. There can be any number of reasons for a failure to follow through on a program of automated follow-up with prospects, but there are two in particular that are common stumbling blocks.

The first one is not having the right software tool for the job. This is actually a very easy one to solve; all you need is to choose a high-quality CRM that is specifically designed for contractors.

The other stumbling block is figuring out what you want to say in your follow-up messages. Many people get stopped at this point because they are not confident about what the right messaging should be, or they struggle with how to express their ideas in writing.

This article is going to make it much easier by doing most of the work for you. Below are templates that in many cases can be used ‘as-is’ (or with some light customization). And for those who would prefer to create their own messages, these examples can at least serve as a starting point and give you some general principles to think about.

Email Templates for Automated Follow-Up When You Don’t Close The Sale The First Time

A lot of contractors are tempted to create a boilerplate follow-up email that tells the prospect stuff they either already know or that they don’t care about. Don’t go into a long-winded explanation about how wonderful your company is, and don’t use language as if you are creating an ad. Someone on your team just met with them and they should already know the basics of your company.

You also want to avoid going on too long; people are much more likely to respond to super short emails. Especially with the first email, you need to engage your prospect super-fast and not ask too much of them. A short, clear question is typically the best way:

First Email (Send the morning after the appointment)

Subject line: 1 quick question about your appointment yesterday


We appreciate you meeting with us yesterday!

We know you want to improve your home because that’s why you originally called us. But we haven’t yet earned your business. Our quick question is:

Is there any more information we could provide as you make your decision?

Just hit ‘reply’ to this email and tell us anything. Any question, concern, or comment is welcome!




Next, send another email a day later. This one can be a bit longer. Use a subject line that intrigues your prospect. Use the content to reassure your potential customer that they can expect a professional experience and get what they pay for.

Second Email (Send 2 days after appointment)

Subject line: The #1 reason people reject an estimate

When a homeowner decides against hiring a contractor, the number one reason might surprise you. Many people automatically assume that it all comes down to price. Cost can be a factor, of course, but not nearly as much as you might think.

Most homeowners seem to intuitively know the truth of the old saying, “You get what you pay for.” So it’s not the price that stops them. The #1 reason people reject an estimate is…

They’re worried that the contractor will let them down.

And, if we’re being honest, we can’t blame them. There are contractors out there who are less than professional. You probably have heard or even experienced a home improvement nightmare story – most people have.

For the record, we want you to know that we’re the exact opposite of the unprofessional contractor. Here’s who we are:


  • A+ Rated with the Better Business Bureau
  • Dozens of 5-Star reviews online
  • A Lifetime warranty – in writing
  • Our guys show up in a company-branded truck, and are neat, polite, and in uniform


We’d love to hear from you about any questions and concerns you may have as you consider hiring us. Just hit ‘reply’ and fire away.




After this email, pause a beat and wait until day four after the appointment to follow-up again. The best practice here is to be concise again. At this point, they have met with you and received two emails.

This means that they have heard a lot already, and the chances that a book-length email will get read are zero. Using a counter-intuitive approach can be effective.

Third Email (Send 4 days after appointment)

Subject line: Probably not the email you expected

Hi [NAME],

This is where we’re supposed to give you the “hard sell” and convince you that you simply MUST decide to hire us to make your home better.

That’s not us. We don’t like a bunch of high-pressure sales talk and we’re guessing you don’t either. We only want you to choose us if you think we are a good match. We’d rather let others tell you about us. Here are a couple of comments from our online customer reviews:


We hope you’ll become our next fantastic review. Let us know how we can help.




Finally, we come to the “break-up” email. Of course, you have the option of stringing this out longer, and it never hurts to experiment with this over time to find out what works best. But as a general rule, it is a good idea to have this kind of break-up email.

This kind of email won’t hurt you with prospects who have already ruled you out – you weren’t getting those sales anyway. But for those on the fence, it creates a sense that it’s time to make a decision one way or the other.

The “Final” Email (Sent one week after the appointment)

Subject line: Thanks and no hard feelings


You’ve heard from us several times since your appointment a week ago. We recognize that not everyone sees themselves as a match for us.

At this point, we’re thinking you’re not ready to move forward, and we don’t want to waste your time or ours.

BUT… if we’ve misread the situation and you just want more time or you still have questions, please hit ‘reply’ to this email and let us know.

We may still send you an occasional email to keep in touch, but we will stop reaching out about your estimate [IF THERE IS AN EXPIRATION DATE ON YOUR ESTIMATE, NOTE IT HERE].

We sincerely appreciate your interest and let us know if there’s anything else we can do.




Of course, after the “break-up” email, you don’t have to – and shouldn’t – cut off all contact with your prospect. They should then move to your general email list, the one that receives things like a customer newsletter, coupons, and seasonal offers.

With the above templates, you have a solid foundation to put together a great drip campaign for those customers who met with your sales consultant but didn’t buy. All you need is to combine it with the best CRM for contractors and you can get this all set up in under an hour. Something this easy should be a no-brainer, because every sale you gain from follow-up will be your reward. No more excuses!